Title IX & Compliance Team

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Mandated Reporter

Most Spelman College employees (faculty, staff and administrators) are expected to report actual or suspected discrimination or harassment to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator immediately, though there are some limited exceptions.

Additionally, some student employees, including Resident Assistants and Building Monitors, are required to report incidents to the Title IX Coordinators while acting in their employment capacity.

Failure of a Mandated Reporter to report an incident or incidents of sex or gender harassment or discrimination of which they become aware is a violation of college policy and can be subject to disciplinary action for failure to comply with college policies.

Confidential Employees

Counseling Center - Student Health Services - Religious Life

Campus mental-health counselors, pastoral counselors, social workers, psychologists, student health services employees, or any other person with a professional license requiring confidentiality [and functioning in a role related to such licensing], or who is supervised by such a person, are not required to report incidents of sexual violence to the school, without the student’s consent, in a way that identifies the student. This exemption is intended to ensure that these individuals can provide appropriate counseling services without an obligation to report crimes they may learn about after information has been disclosed.

Confidential employees should inform students of their right to file a report with the Title IX Coordinator and/or campus and local law enforcement. To the extent possible within their role, Confidential Employees will assist members of the campus community to connect with other available on-campus or community resources.

In addition to the confidential employees on campus, the College has partnered with Magellan to provide comprehensive services for its Employee Assistance Program. Employees are encouraged to call 1-800-523-5668 or 1-800-882-7610 (TTY) to contact a confidential EAP counselor.

  • Counseling |  404-270-5293*
  • Student Health Services |  404-270-5249*
  • Religious Life | 404-270-5729*

* Indicates Confidential

Campus Law Enforcement

Campus Law Enforcement officials are responsible for the intake and investigation of criminal complaints. While criminal investigation is initiated at the discretion of law enforcement authorities, a Title IX investigation is not discretionary; a school has a duty under Title IX to resolve complaints promptly and equitably and to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment, free from sexual harassment and sexual violence, for all students. 

Law Enforcement should inform students of their right to file a Title IX complaint with the school and a separate complaint with campus or local law enforcement. Additionally, law enforcement officials should be equipped with information about resources for counseling, medical, and academic support. Officials also notify the Title IX and Compliance office to ensure parties are aware of all rights and responsibilities, including protections against retaliation, and that school officials will not only take steps to prevent retaliation but also take strong responsive action if it occurs.

Public Safety 404-525-6401