Public Safety

Frequently Asked Questions

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As a member of the Spelman College community, your safety is of the utmost concern to us. We understand that safety and security are top priorities for our campus community. Here, you'll find answers to common questions about our public safety services, protocols and resources. Whether you're a student, faculty member, or visitor, we are committed to ensuring you have the information you need to feel secure on campus. Explore the following questions to learn more about how we work to keep our community safe.

Our dedicated Public Safety team is here to support you and promote a safe learning environment. We employ a range of measures, from on-campus patrols to emergency response protocols, all designed to protect our community. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our services and reach out if you have any specific concerns or need further assistance. Your safety is our priority, and we are here to help you navigate any situation that may arise.

Contact Info

Public Safety

350 Spelman Lane, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Building 1, West Parking Deck, Lower Level


Open 24 Hours

Information You Need to Know

How do I report a crime, suspicious person or activity?

From any phone, dial 404-525-6401

How do I request Public Safety support for an activity or event?

Contact Deputy Chief Toni Shavers at (404) 525-6401.

How can I find out about Public Safety programs and services?

Visit our office on the 1st level of the West Parking Deck.

How can I find out about Public Safety programs and services?

Visit our office on the 1st level of the West Parking Deck

Where do I register for a parking permit?

AAA Parking Office – 1st level West Parking Deck (404) 270-5431

What shuttle services are available?

Shuttle On Request:  Sun. - Thurs. 6 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Shopping Cart Shuttle:  Sun 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Brawley Bonce:  Sun - Thurs. 5 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

What can I do to enhance my safety?

Travel Safety Tips

  • Avoid traveling alone, there is safety in numbers
  • Don't park in isolated areas
  • Share your travel plans with friends and family
  • When walking-Consistently scan the environment, Don’t use headphones, Choose well lighted routes, Trust your instincts!

Every member of the Spelman Community should take steps in advance to be prepared for emergencies on and off campus. In addition to being familiar with campus emergency procedures, taking the following steps and having available the items suggested below can greatly enhance your ability to remain safe and or assist others during an emergency.

Program the Spelman Public Safety Department’s phone number,  404-525-6401  into your cell phone so you can call them quickly in case of emergency.

Be sure your roommates and/or close friends know how to contact your parents or other emergency contacts.

Be sure your parents know how to contact your roommates and/or close friends in case of emergencies.

Have an ICE (In Case of Emergency) entry in your cell phone so that police/fire/EMS can contact your emergency contact if you cannot speak.

Know more than one way to get out of every building where you live or have classes. If one exit is blocked, be able to get out of the building using a different exit.

Know where to shelter at home and at school in case of severe weather such as a tornado.

For a severe weather shelter area you should avoid: windows and areas where there might be flying glass, exterior walls, rooms with high ceilings such as auditoriums.  You should try to get to one of the lowest levels in the building.

When you go out at night have a plan on how you will get home. Have friends you can call to pick you up if you get stuck at a party or location where you feel uncomfortable.

Be sure your roommates/friends know where you are going and the people you will be with.

Know how to get to the Spelman Student Health Center if you get sick. Plan to get a flu shot during the fall semester. To decrease your chances of getting the flu, wash your hands regularly with alcohol-based soap and cough into your sleeve, not your hands.

Know the housing staff for your residence hall, including Resident Assistants and Professional Staff.

Have an emergency kit that includes a flashlight, a radio (and fresh batteries), nonperishable food, a first aid kit and other items.

How will I know if there is an emergency on campus?

If you have enrolled in Spelman ALERT you will receive text and cell messages in addition to email messages to your Spelman email address.

An outdoor siren with a long single tone will sound to indicate severe weather.

If the outdoor siren emits Rapid yelps like a police siren this indicates the need to shelter in place (Secure and remain in the area you are until the all clear is signaled by Public Safety).

Activated fire alarms in any building signal the need to evacuate immediately.

If I am a victim or witness to a crime what services are available to me?

The following offices are prepared to assist victims and witnesses:

  • Student Counseling Services404-270-5293
  • Captain Chambliss, Public Safety Office:   404-525-6401
  • LiveSafe 24-Hour Crisis Line: 770-427-3390 (Sexual Violence)
If you are the victim of a sexual assault or are attempting to assist a sexual assault victim visit the undefinedundefinedReport an Incident page for more information.

How do I sign up for “SPELMAN ALERT” emergency notifications?

Go to Spelman ALERT and follow the Register Now instructions.