Spelman Strong

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Spelman Strong Giving Effforts

Why Spelman Strong?

Spelman Strong reflects the enduring nature of her legacy. With your Spelman Strong donations, we ensure the College’s financial stability, expansion and longevity for years to come. The Spelman Strong fund is the crucial bridge between tuition revenue and the actual cost of running the College, offering relief to the operating budget that directly affects students, faculty and numerous programs across Spelman College.

Give Your Best Gift Today

Contact Info

Division of Institutional Advancement

350 Spelman Lane, S.W., Box 1303
Atlanta, Georgia 30314


Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

What Makes You Spelman Strong?

Spelman is as multifaceted as the women who have walked her halls. Our daughters, our sisters, our friends — they all come here with hopes and dreams and leave prepared to make their mark. Spelman Strong is the way we come together to make that happen.

This fund is the lifeblood of Spelman’s financial stability, expansion and longevity. It directly influences every facet of a Spelmanite’s experience, from providing her with access to the best faculty talent to creating a campus of which she can be proud. With your annual Spelman Strong donation, Spelman’s legacy will resound for generations to come. So, let us know: what makes you Spelman Strong?


By Supporting Spelman Strong, You Reinforce Our Four Pillars of Excellence:

  • Fund Her Future: Spelman Strong gifts support ALL students by allowing the College to operate at peak potential without drawing down our endowment more than would be prudent or raising tuition substantially.
  • Supporting and Advancing Academic Excellence: Spelman Strong gifts provide funding for important faculty initiatives, allow for the expansion of the faculty and support numerous academic programs across the College.
  • Foundation for Transformative Change: Spelman Strong gifts allow the College to respond to the most pressing financial concerns and provide the flexibility to seize unique and important opportunities.
  • Fund Unrestricted Possibilities: Spelman Strong gifts promise to provide unrestricted possibilities for our students to change the world.

Let’s strengthen the legacy created by the women who came before us. Your support will give Spelman the foundation and fortitude to weather any storm. Continue the legacy today and keep Spelman Strong!

Spelman Strong Profiles



