Title IX at Spelman College offers behavior-changing Title IX prevention and education on bystander intervention, consent, healthy relationships, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking. We utilize a prevention protocol to guide our efforts of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment prevention.
Title IX and Compliance
350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Atlanta, GA. 30314
Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The 2020 Title IX Regulations, specifically 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10), mandate the public sharing of materials used to train Spelman College’s Title IX team members, including the Title IX Coordinator, investigators, decision-makers and advisers. As additional training is completed by Title IX team members, those materials will be added to this page throughout the year.
Title IX 101
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX Investigator Level 1
Title IX Decision Maker Level 1
Title IX Advisor
Title IX Informal Resolution
Title IX Appellate Decision Maker
Putting Policy Into Practice: Part 2 Emergency Removals
Putting Policy Into Practice: Part 3 Resolutions/ Hearings
Putting Policy Into Practice Part 4: Hypos
Investigator One Materials
2020 Title IX Regulations as a Checklist
The ATIXA Guide to Sanction Student Sexual Misconduct Violations
20 Minute to Trained: Appeals
20 Minutes to Trained: Due Process
20 Minutes to Trained: Assessing Credibility
20 Minutes to Trained: Deliberations
20 Minutes to Trained: Questioning
20 Minutes to Trained Stalking
20 Minutes to Trained: Understanding Sexual Violence
20 Minutes to Trained: Intimate Partner Violence
20 Minutes to Trained: Applying Preponderance of Information
Helpful Links |
Title IX Office - 404-270-4005 |
24-Hour Crisis Line - |
Safety & Resources |